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Amezaiku 飴細工 sugar fantasies from the distant past

Amezaiku 1


Amezaiku is an ancient Japanese art form that involves creating hand-blown sugar sculptures. It is an art of incredible beauty that has been handed down for centuries and which has become one of the representations of how beauty, craftsmanship and dedication shape beautiful, and in this case also good, works.

Japanese Cooking, Mauro, Amezaiku

[Recipe] Okonomiyaki お好み焼き Unique and Delicious Taste

okonomiyaki preparazione ricetta


Okonomiyaki お好み焼き is one of the characteristic dishes of Japan and to be precise one of the specialties of Osaka that many know and love. Here is the recipe to try to create them at home.

The recipe for okonomiyaki includes many variables depending on the tastes that one prefers, because there are many types, such as those with meat (mainly pork), those with fish, with vegetables, and many others.

Recipe, Okonomiyaki, Mauro Piacentini

[Recipe] Nikujaga 肉じゃが Simplicity and lots of Flavor

nikujyaga piatto giapponese2


Potatoes, carrots and meat a very simple recipe, quick to make but with a lot of taste and always present on the tables of Japanese families. Let's see how to prepare it and be able to enjoy it even if you are not in Japan.

A traditional first course, usually served in a bowl with rice and miso soup as an accompaniment, it is among the best things in the basic cuisine of the Rising Sun.

Recipe, Nikujaga, Mauro Piacentini

[Recipe] Japanese Hamburgers ハンバーグ Delight for Adults and Children

japanese hamburger receipe


One of the best dishes you can eat in Japan, the Japanese-prepared hamburger is among the best you can enjoy while you are in the Rising Sun.

The preparation of this dish is not complicated, indeed in itself it is very simple and the ingredients are easy to find or possibly replace them with some similar ones, even if by now the ethnic or characteristic products are easy to find.

Recipe, Japanese Hamburgers, Mauro Piacentini

[Recipe] Small Japanese Goodies: Tori no Karaage 鶏のから揚げ

karaage japan food


One of the best known and tried "small" Japanese delicacies. Easy to prepare Tori no Karaage 鶏のから揚げ, or just Karaage as they are often called, are a delicious and simple dish ...... not to be missed. Simple preparation, with ingredients (albeit some typically Japanese) easily available at ethnic markets or shops, now common in our cities, or at large supermarkets that offer ethnic products.

Recipe, Karaage, Mauro Piacentini

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